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Noosa Ocean Adventure Articles

Noosa, the best place in Australia #holidayherethisyear

Oceanrider feels privileged to call Noosa home and truly believe that it is the best place in Australia. Top class bars, restaurants, and boutique shopping combine seamlessly with an accessible national park, picturesque beaches, and clear seas. Even more admirable is the community’s commitment to maintaining that by protecting and conserving Noosa’s natural assets which was…

Your Captain

Nathan is into anything that gets him either on or in the water, whether it be scuba diving, fishing, surfing, or sailing. He has over 20 years of hospitality and maritime experience as a Captain and PADI Dive Instructor. He has both Australian and international maritime qualifications including: International MCA Master 200 Unlimited (Captain of…

Baby dolphins

All our favourite dolphins including Missy & Piecey have been spotted with babies recently! Dolphins are incredibly sexual and non-monogamous animals, and unlike other marine mammals will mate any time of the year and just for pleasure. During mating periods, male dolphins (bulls) can become aggressive with one another competing to find a mating partner…

Kabi Kabi

Noosa is home to the Kabi Kabi people whose land stretches roughly 100km south and 150km north of Noosa. The indigenous people of Australia are the oldest living culture on Earth. Their rich culture dates back at least 50,000 years.  Every Aboriginal community has their own stories and experiences unique to their area, but they…

Noosa Oceanrider #3!

We are so happy to be finishing 2019 as #3 of 80 tours in Noosa. When we took over in March we were #23! Thank you to all our amazing guests who took the time to leave all those 5-star reviews that helped us achieve this. Looking forward to 2020 and welcoming you aboard the Noosa…

Traffic & parking solution to make your Christmas Noosa holiday stress free!

Travel hassle free around Noosa this Christmas and forget about your traffic and parking problems.  From December 14 to January 27, Sunbus is running the free holiday bus around Noosa departing every fifteen minutes from 7am to 7pm and every half hour from 7pm to 10pm.  Six existing bus routes around Sunshine Beach, Sunrise Beach,…

Noosa Triathlon – the biggest triathlon event in the world!

Noosa Triathlon Multi Sport Festival is a five-day event making it the biggest in the world! With a mix of sport and entertainment in one of Australia’s most popular destinations, the event consists of various family, social, and sporting activities with the hero event on the final day of the festival. Starting with the swim…

Sigi the Mini Groodle

Noosa Oceanrider’s new CEO, Sigi, was born June 14, just north of Newcastle, joining her new family on August 8. She is a first-generation Miniature Groodle, which means that her mum was a purebred Golden Retriever, and dad was a purebred Miniature Poodle. Groodle’s have a calm and collected demeanor and temperament. They are intelligent…

Noosa Biosphere News

UNESCO has given the Noosa Biosphere Reserve a new global 10-year tick of approval! Noosa Shire was designated a globally recognised Biosphere Reserve in 2007 by UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere program –  there are  701 reserves in 124 countries and  Noosa was Queensland’s first biosphere designation. A Biosphere Reserve is an area with a…

Whale Barnacles

The relationship between whales and the barnacles that grow on them is called commensalism, the barnacle benefits from an interaction while the whale is unaffected Barnacles attach themselves to whales as free-swimming larva and as the whale grows the barnacle clusters also grow until they form colonies which are the white patches you spot on…

Dolphin adopts whale calf

A Bottlenose dolphin in French Polynesia has been spotted mothering an orphaned melon-headed whale—an entirely different species and genus of dolphin. It is the first known case of a wild bottlenose mom adopting a calf of another species. Adoption among wild mammals is uncommon and only usually occurs between related members of the same species….